Star metal ore and star metal are used as motives in the Conan the Adventurer series.Whilst it is not as fast as gathering Star Metal from meteorites you can gain a small amount of star metal from killing Frost Giants or by recruiting thralls that have star metal weaponry and taking the weaponry and dismantling it in a dismantling bench. Feedback: no meteor drop for star ore in singleplayer.Buildings using star metal are not planned.See Star Metal Ore for information on meteorites.This strange material is not as easy to work with as earthly metals, but those of esoteric skill have devised a way to smelt star metal ore, with a technique that employs brimstone and black ice, to create ingots. This fallen metal from the sky, be it a gift from the gods or a curse from the wells of night, has mysterious properties that sages and sorcerers are only beginning to understand. At will steel blossoms bloom in unnamed gardens, or flower-swords flash in the moonlight. Of course playing solo you could always use the admin panel and spawn yourself star metal if you do not want to wait for it to fall. The ore of the stars has made a come back on this map, I'll show you today where to find this precious resource on the isle of siptah so get your tools and fire ready. All substance is one to him who holds the key of the cosmos' he said cryptically. The meteors are the way you get Star Metal, if you cant find it as loot then that is your only option.